The table OUT_FILE  is the main table for the file out service. Records inserted into this table will be saved to a network share or to a FTP server. [important] In order for the file out service to be able to save successfully to a network share the service account needs to have sufficient privileges on the share in question.[/important] See the Setup section for details.

Column Required (not Null) Type Values Comments
gKey Yes Uniqueidentifier
jKey Yes Uniqueidentifier
Path Yes Varchar (255) The path the network folder to be used. Should be formatted like this \\computer_name\share_nameFor FTP use the RFC 1738 standard i.e.//<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<url-path> e.g: ftp://ftp_username:password@www.fuel9.com:23/home
Mode Yes int 0, 1, or 2 0 (default) create new file (error returned if file with the same name already exists), 1 create new or replace existing file, 2 create new or append to an end of existing file
Processed_On Datetime Updated by Boomerang indicating when file was saved to the network share.