sp_After_Print_Job is triggered upon completion of an print job.
This procedure should not be called directly by developer, it is automatically called by Boomerang services after completion of a job. This handler is invoked by Boomerang services both in event of success and failure.
Default body of this procedure is blank, thus user may provide their own code implementation for follow-up purposes.
[important]Any changes to handler parameter list cannot be made. New parameters may add with future Boomerang releases upon which a notice will be sent separately.[/important]
exec sp_After_Print_Job @jKey=..., @lKey=... , @error_level=... |
Column Name | Data type | Direction | Description | Default | Status |
@jKey | uniqueidentifier | in | Job key jKey found in OUT_PRINT table | Required | |
@lKey | uniqueidentifier | in | Log entry key lKey found in EVENT_LOG table | Required | |
@error_level | int | in | Error status (0 = success, 1 = business, 2 = system) | Required |
Return Code Values
0 (success) or non-zero (failure)
For handling job completion events refer to example in sp_After_Email_Job.